Advertise with us

It boost your business margin to advertise with us

It boost your business margin to advertise with us

Advertise with us to showcase your brand to the widest community of Chefs in Ghana

Advert with us to network with Ghanaian culinary professional Advertising Options & Rates We have several platforms on which you can market your products and services to our niche database of professionals:

Dedicated emailer to database
Website banner adverts 
Social media posts and cover images
SMS marketing to database

Get in touch



024 419 4615

Waffest 2022 Sponsors

The South African Chefs Association (SA Chefs) is a non-profit company and sponsorship plays a vital role in its successful running.
Without the generosity from the below sponsors and patrons, we would not be able to fulfill our mandate of reflecting South Africa’s culinary diversity and promoting the art and science of cookery.

Welcome to Chefs Association of Ghana

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